Wednesday, 10 December 2014

The Twitch Puppetry Trailer

A quick extra tid-bit I forgot to add was the trailer for subscribers of main to spread around so that the public element could be present at the prototype on twitch. Given the chess theme for the board I gave myself a simple brief for something robotic and in-keeping with the black and white theme. Using a piece by Salyu x Salyu for the music, which is notable for being used in a recent ghost in the shell film (coincidentally about androids and robotic slaves). However I wanted to play on people's curiosity as a way to draw people in to the prototype and ultimately get them curious to use it, this meant that I opted for something minimalistic that explains the basic idea quickly with more detail in the description for those interested, in a way by playing on curiosity I'm hoping to get people a bit more invested in the project because it would make them want to play around with the variables and see all the options but, most likely not all in unison, thus adding the conflict that I'm interested in seeing happen in terms of the journey's direction.

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